Emerson College Strategic Plan 2025-2030
Extraordinary Emerson 2030 is a strategic plan that positions Emerson College as a global communication and arts leader in education and scholarship. By leveraging our strengths and focusing on innovation and inclusion, we are well-poised to provide a transformative experience for the betterment of humanity.
Emerson College’s mission is to educate and elevate extraordinary artists, communicators, scholars, and professionals for the betterment of humanity. We pursue this mission through world-class teaching, practice, performance, and discovery that are experiential, innovative, and inclusive.
Emerson College’s vision is to be a world-leading educational institution for communication and the arts. We champion the power and potential of the arts and communication to enrich lives, build connections, strengthen relationships, influence culture, and advance society.
Emerson College’s core values are creativity, innovation, inclusion, curiosity, equity, expression, and collaboration.
Strategic Priorities
Emerson College will achieve its vision by pursuing the following four priorities:
Academic Innovation
to Shape the Future of Arts and Communication
- Increase innovation, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration throughout the academic enterprise.
- Enhance student education and institutional capacity in emerging media and technologies.
- Expand and strengthen career readiness for all students.
- Recruit, develop, and support an innovative and inclusive faculty.
Collaborative Connections
to Develop and Cultivate Stronger Relationships and External Partnerships
- Enhance Emerson Los Angeles and increase engagement and recruitment in targeted US cities and regions.
- Enhance Kasteel Well, global programs and partnerships, and increase international student recruitment from targeted regions.
- Develop and diversify industry, organizational, and community collaborations and partnerships.
- Expand external engagement and integration with our local communities through arts, media, service, and civic engagement.
Community Engagement
to Build a Vibrant and Inclusive Campus Experience
- Support a vibrant community culture and experience that fosters creativity, curiosity, belonging, accessibility, and well-being.
- Strengthen internal communication, engagement, and collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Cultivate and strengthen robust alumni relations and engagement and increase campus involvement.
- Use facilities strategically and creatively to enhance the Emerson experience.
Operational Excellence
to Ensure Effective Performance and Financial Strength
- Increase financial strength through innovative academic and programmatic offerings, increased philanthropy, and operational efficiencies.
- Develop coordinated enterprise data systems, analyses, and infrastructure to inform strategic decisions and direction.
- Refine and elevate Emerson’s branding, positioning, marketing, media, and engagement with priority audiences.
- Recruit, develop, support, and retain an innovative and inclusive professional staff.
Strategic Initiatives
Prioritized initiatives and programs will guide our time, effort, and resource allocation to achieve our priorities and goals. These initiatives will translate our vision into results and ensure that every step aligns with our priorities.
By focusing on the highest-priority impact areas, we will drive progress, foster innovation, and enhance our operational excellence. Each initiative is a critical component of our strategic roadmap, providing clear direction and measurable outcomes in pursuit of creating the extraordinary.