Extraordinary Emerson 2030

Emerson College Strategic Plan 2025-2030

I am honored and excited to introduce Emerson College’s bold, new strategic plan, Extraordinary Emerson 2030. This clear roadmap reaffirms our unwavering commitment to the transformative power of education, scholarship, and creative expression in the arts and communication. The mission of Emerson College is to educate and elevate extraordinary artists, communicators, scholars, and professionals for the betterment of humanity. We pursue this mission through world-class teaching, practice, performance, and discovery that are experiential, innovative, and inclusive. Emerson College’s vision is to be a world-leading educational institution for communication and the arts. We champion the power and potential of the arts and communication to enrich lives, build connections, strengthen relationships, influence culture, and advance society. Since our founding in 1880, Emerson College has served as a beacon of excellence in communication and the arts, shaping industries, inspiring change, and amplifying voices that redefine our culture. Rooted in Emerson’s rich legacy, this plan built on our progress and declares our ambition to shape a brighter, innovative, and more inclusive future in an ever-evolving world. Extraordinary Emerson 2030 is a strategic plan that positions Emerson College as a global communication and arts leader in education and scholarship. By the time we fully realize this plan in 2030,we will be celebrating 150 years of accomplishments. With your collaboration, energy, and belief in what we can achieve together, I have no doubt that we embark on this ambitious journey with courage, creativity, and collaboration. By leveraging our strengths and focusing on innovation and inclusion, we have a tremendous opportunity to reach our goals together, to identify and build on initiatives that will shape our blueprint for an extraordinary future. Let’s all work together to envision an Emerson that is even more extraordinary.

Extraordinary Emerson 2030 is a strategic plan that positions Emerson College as a global communication and arts leader in education and scholarship. By leveraging our strengths and focusing on innovation and inclusion, we are well-poised to provide a transformative experience for the betterment of humanity.


Emerson College’s mission is to educate and elevate extraordinary artists, communicators, scholars, and professionals for the betterment of humanity. We pursue this mission through world-class teaching, practice, performance, and discovery that are experiential, innovative, and inclusive.


Emerson College’s vision is to be a world-leading educational institution for communication and the arts. We champion the power and potential of the arts and communication to enrich lives, build connections, strengthen relationships, influence culture, and advance society.

Emerson College’s core values are creativity, innovation, inclusion, curiosity, equity, expression, and collaboration.


Creativity is the driving force behind innovation, expression, and discovery. We foster an environment that celebrates imagination and originality. Creativity involves curiosity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and effectively communicating unique ideas.

Innovation means encouraging our students, faculty, and staff to explore new ideas and stretch boundaries. Innovation is about creating something new above and beyond emerging technologies. It means reimagining the world and finding unique solutions to challenges.

Inclusion means actively promoting a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and that they belong. We celebrate every community member’s unique contributions and believe that our differences make us stronger.

Curiosity drives us to explore, learn, and grow through the relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding. It encourages us to ask questions, seek new experiences, think critically, and challenge the status quo. Curiosity nurtures a culture of continuous learning, open-mindedness, new possibilities, and deeper insights.

Equity involves acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges and barriers that individuals in our community may face. Emerson believes everyone should have access to opportunities and support in an environment where all can thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Expression has been central to Emerson since our founding. It involves the meaning, portrayal, and impact of words and ideas. We support communication and self-discovery through respectful dialogue that fosters intellectual and emotional connections.

Collaboration involves working together across disciplines, units, interests, and perspectives to produce more positive outcomes. Collaboration requires appreciating diverse viewpoints, developing strong communication skills, and building lasting relationships.

Strategic Priorities

Emerson College will achieve its vision by pursuing the following four priorities:

Academic Innovation

to Shape the Future of Arts and Communication

Collaborative Connections

to Develop and Cultivate Stronger Relationships and External Partnerships

Community Engagement

to Build a Vibrant and Inclusive Campus Experience

Operational Excellence

to Ensure Effective Performance and Financial Strength

Strategic Initiatives

Prioritized initiatives and programs will guide our time, effort, and resource allocation to achieve our priorities and goals. These initiatives will translate our vision into results and ensure that every step aligns with our priorities.     

By focusing on the highest-priority impact areas, we will drive progress, foster innovation, and enhance our operational excellence. Each initiative is a critical component of our strategic roadmap, providing clear direction and measurable outcomes in pursuit of creating the extraordinary.